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  • Writer's pictureAraceli

Taalbrigade uitje: cultuur, natuur en historie komen samen in Fort bij Vechten.

The #taalbrigade is a group of volunteers gathering at the city library (#detweedeverdieping) in #nieuwegein to help people -like me- learning and practicing Dutch. A couple of weeks ago, an outing was organised to visit the #waterliniemuseum in #FortbijVechten. I didn't take as many pics as I wanted as I was really focused on listening to our guide and his fascinating facts. The place definitely worth a visit and I will come back soon. However, to be out with the 'brigadiers' made the experience particularly special as I owe this group a big deal: after moving to the Netherlands, to go and join them every Friday, helped me to feel part of the community, to learn and to meet people, some, as lost as me with the language and others, capable and willing to help us with that! Heel erg bedankt!

Scroll through the may even spot me in one! (credit @ginavandenberg)

If interested :

Wil je beter Nederlands leren spreken en lezen? Kom dan naar de Taalbrigade in de bibliotheek. Op vrijdagochtend (9.30 tot 11.45 uur) oefenen we samen Nederlands. Elke maand is er een ander thema zoals verkeer, gezondheid, hobby’s of werk.

Wil je meedoen met de Taalbrigade? Stuur dan een mail naar o.v.v. Taalbrigade en de datum.

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