The corona crisis and its consequences will be talked about for generations. The effects can be far-reaching, long-lasting and in many cases devastating. The photos in this book, taken during the first lockdown that started in March 2020, aimed to document this bizarre period by capturing how different households from a diverse community experienced the isolation. The resulting images are deeply personal and the connection behind the stories are substantiated by words in poems written by authors from the same community.
Moreover, the project contributed to different organisations around the world - in exchange for the photos each family was asked for a donation to the charity of their choice.
This pandemic is history in the making, artfully documented in this book, recorded a unique event in which, despite the enforced physical distance, a strong connection within the community is maintained.
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I know, I is in Dutch! However, that's not really a problem to enjoy the photos and it shouldn't stop you from getting a copy: I will email the intro and conclusion in English to you, just contact me after purchase.
Genre: Photography
Illustrations: 32
Format: A5 landscape
ISBN: 978-94-643-1078-8
Pages: 92
Price: € 23,99*
*incl. shipping costs to the Netherlands and Belgium
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The poets
Wim Hartog
De corona hokt Wim Hartog op in het Witte Huis.
Hij laat zich uit op uiterwaard van zijn leven, kijkt
en luistert in de ruimte van de vogels en vindt
daar woorden die niet dik doen en naar natuur
ruiken. Die koestert hij en sluit ze op in gedichten.