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  • Writer's pictureAraceli

Reis mee! - Kinderboekenweekfeest 2019

I had the pleasure to join the amazing team of @detweedeverdieping in celebrating the joy of reading a couple of weeks ago. This year's Children's Book Week theme was "Travel with us" and certainly all visitors embarked on a voyage of discovery to different book worlds in the library. From October 2nd until October 12th, diverse activities aimed at young readers were organised in the library. I enjoyed most of them together with my boys, for example, during the opening event we got carried away to the jungle by Lisa Boersen reading a bit of her 'De stemmenslurper' and all kids collaborated with illustrator Aron Dijks to sketch the story. However, not everything ran of the main aims that day was to build the highest book tower in the world but...a clumpsy -albeit well intentioned- librarian crashed against it and many characters from the different stories escaped from their books!

A few days later, a fantastic party was organised, asking for help of the local kids to place the characters back into the books they belong. The best part: I was invited to capture all these 'book worlds' with my camera! It was really challenging, lots to see and experience, loads of happy, curious, funny faces perfect to be photographed...I wanted to be everywhere, to capture everything: crazy dances in the silent disco, the mess and creative attempts to eat with giant cutlery, the magic drink explosions, mummy madness or making your own bookmarks. Browse through the images and try to identify all characters or maybe even to spot yourself :)

I was very impressed with all the hard work and enthusiasm of the team in the library, they put together a fabulous event where everybody came together to share their love of reading and telling stories... nurturing a deep love of reading in the next generations is a great gift from De Tweede Verdieping - we are lucky to have such a great library in Nieuwegein.

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